Getting ready for the Barcelona game tonight, and am super excited. They were probably the best team in the world last season, and getting to see them from the field is pretty awesome. Here’s a few pictures from the last Sounders game I did vs. the Rapids.
I decided to play around and put my 5dII body  (slower, but much higher quality than my usual sports camera bodies) on the 400mm f2.8 lens. The results are pretty cool. If you look at the blurry areas of the picture where the crowd and confetti are lit up, it almost looks smeared or painted with a brush. But it’s not manipulated at all, just the natural way the light refracts through the lens, and because the 5dii body has such a big sensor the effect is magnified. The 2nd, 3rd, and 5th shots really show it.
- Seattle Sounders FC vs. Colarado Rapids MLS Soccer Pictures
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