Website update in progress….
After roughly 5 years, and a Global Pandemic, we thought we get things updated around here. Lot of exciting new work to share. You'll notice a few buttons may not work for the next couple of days while we get the new site up and running, but it will be ready...

Football is back.
Starting to get busy with Football again. One of my favorite things about the NFL is how you never really know how things will shake out each year. The Seahawks have a bunch of young and new players who should make...

Nick – Senior Portrait
Photo taken at Carillon Point - Fujilm x100f 1/4000 f2 Wow, it's been 2 years I've blogged... Rest assured, I'm still here, just have luckily been busy shooting and have let my poor blog and website get a little dusty. Social Media kind of made blogging...

Just Married
Love this moment from Susan & Pablo's Wedding at Sole Repair Shop in Capitol Hill. They had just walked up the aisle from the ceremony and are looking at each other for the first time as an official married couple. I just noticed people using the hashtag...

Parson’s Garden Wedding

Discovery Park Engagement Session
Well it's been way too long since I've blogged anything, but it's been a busy spring shooting various projects so I've let the weeds grow around here a little bit. Now that wedding season is starting to get in full swing I'm trying to get back into blogging...