
Hi Everyone, Just a quick note to let you know we are moving the blog within the website. It will now be located on the main page at So if you are an RSS subscriber, please update your feed settings to : feed:// See you...

Web surfing tip – Firefox

Hi Everyone, We are just about to launch a remodeled version of our website and were testing it last night with all of the different web browsers. I was really disapointed at how it looked in Internet Explorer. The pages took longer to load, and some the formatting...

Please Comment!

BTW, With this new blog, I have turned on comments. If anyone is actually reading this 🙂 I would love to hear your thoughts on the pictures, the posts, etc. Thanks for reading!

Technorati added

Technorati Profile “″ rel=”me”>Technorati Profile <a href=”″ rel=”me”>Technorati Profile</a> This post adds the Maurice Photo...