I’ve been looking through all of last years pictures to come up with a “best-of” post (actually started this the last week of December), but it’s just so hard to pick looking through almost 100,000 images. I’m not trying to say everything I shoot is amazing-but not saying it isn’t either 😉 however there are just shots I really really love from literally every single event. When you know the people, and were part of their wedding day, it’s hard to to not be in love with the pictures. So basically I decided I need to just fire off pictures to the blog that I really like randomly without trying to make one big gallery.

So to start, here is one of my favorite dancing pictures from last year. I love shooting receptions, because at this point in the wedding, any stress or nervousness that might have been present earlier in the day has melted away and the day turns in to a pure celebration. In this picture the groom and his dad are dancing and singing at the top of their lungs (to a Backstreet Boys song if I remember correctly!)

Wedding pictures taken at Herban Feast Sodo Park Venue

To see more wedding pictures at Sodo Park, click here.