Yeah, that’s right! I’ve been chosen to help judge a photo contest at The Wedding Photography Project.

If you are a photographer, definitely check it out. First prize is a $1,000 shopping cart system. Very Cool…….

See details of the contest here.

They wanted a picture for my bio, so I sent over this picture I took in August, along with this caption.

Wedding Pictures in Seattle

“This is one of my favorite pictures from this past year. I love it because of the great foreground, subject, and background. Whenever I shoot something or someone, I always look for great elements to put in front of, as well as behind the subject to help tell the story and add interest. Standing in front of the car, would have been a great shot of the bride and groom, but would have missed the 19 people in the background that all have such great expressions on their faces. In order to get this angle, I had to go out in the middle of the street (carefully) and shoot back at everyone else. I was also sure to include at least the door handle of the car, which many people will recognize is a Mini-Cooper, adding an extra little bit of pizazz to the scene.”