Here are a few wedding pictures at Bear Creek Country Club from Melanie and Casey’s wedding. Great weather, a fun group of people, what more can you ask for.I love this shot of the guys getting ready. Sometimes a tiny little thing can make or break a photo, but the little sandwich in the corner is what makes me love this picture. I also love how serious all the guys are about the tie being put on.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

And meanwhile in the ladies hotel room….. I love how the light in this picture is falling only on the bride. It’s kind of a metaphor for how it’s supposed to be on the wedding day.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

One of the flower girls.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

Wedding Party. This shot makes me think of all the times people have tapped me on the shoulder (especially amateur photographers, you know, the ones with plastic thingy’s on their flashes 😉 and say “shouldn’t they be facing into the sun?” Umm, not really. It usually looks a lot cooler behind the subject, and another added bonus is everyone is not squinting.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

White tents are awesome for photography, because they reflect so much light. They always look great in pictures.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

Parent dances. I love it when you can catch both at the same time. I especially love the emotion you can see coming from her Dad.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club

Getting crazy on the dance floor.

Wedding Pictures at Bear Creek Country Club