Here are some pictures from Stacia and Erich’s recent wedding at the Pan Pacific Hotel in downtown Seattle. I kind of had a feeling it would snow at their wedding all year. And sure enough, it did! Big time. Cold, wet, and icy, but we had a great time anyway. Thankfully the Pan Pacific has a lot of great indoor areas to shoot in.

Pan Pacific Hotel Wedding Pictures


Click below to see more pictures:

Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


Getting ready


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


Winter wonderland.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


The guys.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


The lovely bride.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


They meet.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


The wedding Party.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


The Hotel.

Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle



Winter Wedding pictures in Seattle




Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


They are announced.


Wedding Pictures at the Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle


The cake.




Cake cutting under the needle.

