Here are a couple pictures from Andrew and Sara’s engagement pictures in Capitol Hill.

Engagement Pictures Downtown Seattle

I really like this shot because it shows a real moment between them. It shows emotion and feeling that you just can’t fake. When I look at this picture, it shows two people really enjoy each other. Anytime you can capture that you’ve done a great job (if I do say so myself 🙂

Engagement Pictures Downtown Seattle

Sometimes a cheesy “smile at the camera” shot can be cool if the background is interesting. I like the contrast of the colorful urban wall with their pose and expressions, because the two don’t really “match”, it makes for an interesting juxtaposition. The revolution poster is my favorite. We stopped to shoot this on the way to a bar where we shot the last couple pictures. These two love concerts, and hang out in this area, so this wall was perfect.

One of the things I always try to do is tailor the coverage style and locations to our subjects. If we can incorporate some of the things you enjoy doing, or the places you like to hang out, it makes them so much more authentic.