Seattle Sounders Season Opener

Soccer is back already! It was hard to see the Sounders lose the season opener. They definitely had some good chances but things just never clicked for them in this game. The torches over the goal posts were a new thing. It will be interesting to see if that happens...

Sounders Win the Cup!

Here’s an unusually quick blog post. The Sounders won the US Open Cup Championship last night at Qwest Field. It was a great game, with Sanna Nyassi scoring both goals, giving the Sounders a 2-1 victory. Click below to see more: I always find crowd shots really...
Sounders v Galaxy

Sounders v Galaxy

A few shots from a Sounders multimedia promo I’m working on. Everything is cropped for 16:9, 1080p, which is why everything looks a little wider than normal. These were taken at the game against the L.A. Galaxy a few weeks ago. Click below to see...

Seattle Sounders FC

Getting ready for the Barcelona game tonight, and am super excited. They were probably the best team in the world last season, and getting to see them from the field is pretty awesome. Here’s a few pictures from the last Sounders game I did vs. the Rapids. I...